About ProfitMAX

This unique Community of entrepreneurs (mainly mid-size and larger, established players), professionals and subject-matter experts was founded by Peter Lam in April 2021. The intention was to create a networking platform to facilitate business collaboration during the pandemic and extended lockdowns. Although the emphasis has been and continues to be on Quality rather than sheer number of members, membership currently stands at about 90 members.

ProfitMAX Entrepreneurs Network (PEN)

The Mission of PEN

To build a High-Quality network of like-minded
businesspeople who are positive and supportive and
proactively seeking collaboration opportunities for mutual
benefit for the common good.

The Vision Of PEN

Creating a Business Community that Collaborates to generate
additional business for members that is well known among
the Regional Business Community (ASEAN).

CORE Values

COMMUNITY spirit – a spirit of belonging to PEN. I am positive, supportive and cooperative. I will seek the products and services of members first before sourcing elsewhere. I will share my network and resources with members. I keep a lookout for business opportunities for my fellow PEN members.

CONNECTIONS – I will connect members to my network wherever I can help.

COLLABORATION – I proactively seek collaboration opportunities with and for members.. I take Ownership and responsibility for my decisions and actions. I always act with Integrity and Honesty. I am trustworthy.

CONTRIBUTION – I will contribute to the betterment of PEN. This includes my knowledge, experience, skills and network of contacts. I embrace the philosophy of “In Giving, we Receive More”.



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